David Nevin – Vestry

Personal: The first 18 years of my life were in Cortland New York which was a quiet city wrapped by farms and woodlands. After heading off to college I then spent a few years in Buffalo before moving to Pittsfield in 1979. My wife Marcie and I have been married for 29 years and have a 21-year-old cat and a 7-year-old dog both of which are pretty interesting members of our family.

Professional: I am an independent insurance adjuster and the owner of Berkshire Claims, LLC. I started this business in 2013 after the business I had been working for elected to close. It has been my great pleasure to guide people through the claims process and be present for them during what can be

very traumatic times. It has also allowed me to meet some amazing people and share stories that go far beyond the realm of insurance.

Church Life: I am a cradle-to-grave Episcopalian Christian having been baptized, confirmed and loved by my Grace Church family in Cortland, New York. My mother framed my baptismal gown and today it hangs on the wall of my living room. I have been a member of St. Stephen’s since 1980. It has been my privilege to serve on our vestry and as a Jr. Warden and Senior Warden.  I am currently a teacher, LEM, Altar Guild member and have been licensed by the diocese to lead worship and preach. I have been a member of Cathedral of the Beloved since its formation and have been blessed by the gifts those we serve have brought into my life. For me, faith continues to be a blessed spiritual journey where the love and Grace of God are revealed in ever-changing and often most unexpected ways.