Hello, my name is Suzanne White. As a member of the vestry, I am serving as a finance team liaison and the Treasurer.
Born and raised in Pittsfield, I am a lifelong Episcopalian. As a child, my parents brought me to St Stephen’s where I attended Sunday school. As an adult, I was called to serve as a Sunday school teacher and director of children’s formation from 1996-2012. I have also enjoyed being a part of the Altar Guild, serving as a LEM and a greeter over the years.
I have been married to my loving husband Joe for 38 years. Joe and I have two wonderful adult children, Nathan and Kira, a lovely daughter-in-law Meaghan and three beautiful grandchildren.
Currently, I am employed as an office administrator with a private medical practice in Berkshire County. During my spare time, I enjoy taking hikes and kayaking with Joe. I love spending time playing and babysitting with the grandkids. I spend some quiet time most days practicing yoga and meditation. I occasionally even find some time to engage in one of my favorite hobbies, crocheting, diving into making a blanket or scarf for one of the kids.
St Stephen’s is a nurturing church for all who enter its welcoming doors as well as countless other people throughout the broader community. Whether one comes in for worship, fellowship, or as a guest at St Stephen’s Table. Whether one is touched by the loving warmth of a prayer shawl, the Laundry Love program, or the Cathedral of the Beloved, God’s compassionate presence is always abundant.