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Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service has been obtained through ONE LICENSE, license #A-711743. All rights reserved.
Every once in a while the stream will fail. We are doing our best to upload the service after it is complete. Please be patient and check back.
Find all St. Stephen’s worship videos on YouTube.

Bishop Search: Listening Sessions Scheduled
Currently scheduled listening sessions in the Berkshire corridor:
All Saints, North Adams, 10 February 2025, 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Christ Trinity Church, Sheffield, 13 February 2025, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Sunday Funday!
The next Sunday/Funday is Sunday, February 23, at 9:50 AM in the Sears Room. Preschool through elementary-age children are invited. Welcome!

Fat Sunday Coffee Hour
Enjoy traditional King Cake and other treats in the Dining Room on the last Sunday before Lent – Sunday, March 2.

Exploring the Psalms: A Three-Session Lenten Study
Join us this Lent for a three-session adult education series diving into the rich and diverse world of the Psalms – March 16, March 30, and April 6 at 9:00 AM.

Snow/ Inclement Weather Policy
Services at St. Stephen’s will be held as long as a celebrant or worship leader can get to the church safely. If a service is canceled, notification will be posted on this website.
The Parish Office will be closed when Pittsfield schools are closed.