Table of Contents
YPF Sleepover and Service Project @ St. John's, Williamstown - April 2024
Click or tap on the photo to enlarge it.
YPF had a great time at St. John’s, Williamstown Friday night and Saturday morning. 14 teens were on hand for the service project, making bouquets and blankets for cancer patients, and 10 stayed overnight. Cancer Care Ambassador Polly Macpherson helped all to feel more comfortable talking about cancer and supporting friends dealing with cancer.
Parish Workday - April 2024
Click or tap on the photo to enlarge it.
Parish Work Day - April 2023
Click or tap on the photo to enlarge it.
Reception for Sharon Billetter - February 2023
Click or tap on the photo to enlarge it.
Our beloved Sharon Billetter has entered her second year of Deacon School, and has been assigned to do her training with the people of St. Paul’s, Stockbridge. While we are selfishly saddened by her leaving, we are grateful for her gifts and calling to serve God as a deacon.
Today (February 19) is Sharon’s final day worshipping with us at St. Stephen’s. We hope you’ll join us to send Sharon out with a blessing (and a cup of coffee and perhaps even a piece of cake!). As Sharon continues her journey toward ordination as a Deacon, please uphold her with your prayers.
YPF Fun - Escape Rooms! February 2023
Photo credit: Sara Garinther | (Click or tap on the photo to enlarge it.)
On Sunday, February 5, more than 20 teens gathered for fun at the 5 Wits entertainment complex in Albany!
YPF Service Project - January 2023
(Click or tap on the photo to enlarge it.)
Sunday, January 22, the Young People’s Fellowship gathered to make blankets, arrange flowers and write cards for patients undergoing cancer treatment at the BMC Hillcrest Cancer Center. Many thanks to Grant and Melissa Morin and JD Hebert who helped plan and organize this project in honor of Grant’s late father. The items were delivered on Tuesday afternoon by Grant, his family and a few other members of the YPF.
Young People's Fellowship - 2021 & 2022
(Click or tap on each photo to enlarge it.)
Young People's Fellowship at Whitney Farm - October 2021
(Click or tap on each photo to enlarge it.)
St. Stephen's Participates in Faiths 4 Climate Justice - October 2021
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Parish Work Morning - October 2021
(Click or tap on each photo to enlarge it.)
Berkshire Pride Rally - June 2021
(Click or tap on each photo to enlarge it.)
Palm Sunday - March 2021
Interior Lighting Project - February 2021
(Click or tap on each photo to enlarge it.)
2020 and Earlier
On Thursday, November 19, Dan Moon – Coordinator of St. Stephen’s Table – and several volunteers served a sumptuous takeout meal of turkey, potatoes, stuffing, peas and carrots, cranberry sauce, gravy (from scratch, not can or jar), rolls, and homemade pumpkin mini whoopee pies (complements of Pat Tarrant and family). More than 75 meals were distributed. Many thanks to all who prepared, served, and cleaned up.
A special thanks to the Taconic Culinary Team who prepared most of the meal off-site in the midst of switching from hybrid to fully online learning.
Parish Garden Clean Up - September 2020
Many thanks to the hard working gardeners (Mary Gillman, Marcie Nevin, Claudia Curry, and Sara Garinther) organized by Sara on Tuesday, September 8. They did a great job cleaning up the front garden!
Photos courtesy of Claudia Curry. Click or tap on each photo to enlarge it.
Bon Voyage Edie Mingalone! - May 2020
(Click or tap on each photo to enlarge it.)
On Saturday, May 9, 26 cars carrying about 40 people, many sporting handmade signs, drove slowly past Edie’s home as she waved from her porch. Drivers deposited cards in her mailbox and honked their best wishes. Edie will be moving to Las Vegas this weekend. You will be missed!
Church Pew Cushion Cleaning and Repair - May 2020
The Property Committee took advantage of the removal of the pew cushions from the sanctuary to get them deep cleaned. The next step was repairing seams. Claudia Curry and Lois Symonds are seen here stitching up the seams in pew cushions. Please note, masks were worn when moving within the building, they did not face one another and sat 6 feet apart while working. You’ll be sitting pretty when we return to in-person worship.
Palms and Eucharist "To Go" - April 2020
(Click or tap on each photo to enlarge it.)
St. Stephen's Table "To Go" - April 2020
Lent Adult Education - March 2020
Chili Cook-Off and Farewell to Pastor Tim - February 2020
Epiphany Pageant - January 2020
Harvest Dinner - October 2019
Rise Against Hunger - June 2019
Many thanks to Joan Evans for the photos!