Health and Safety Protocols

Dear Friends,

The CDC’s COVID metrics place Berkshire County outside the “red zone.” This means that the overall community risk level has fallen below the highest level as measured on the CDC’s three-tier scale.

  • Masks are optional in all areas of the building. Please be considerate of others, and remember that it is always OK to wear a mask at church.
  • Coffee Hour will be available following the service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
  • Please don’t come to church if you’re not feeling well or have had known exposure to COVID. Join us via live stream. (View the streaming video on our home page.)

Note that a change in local risk levels as determined by the CDC may require parish leadership to revise these health and safety protocols once again.

Please reach out if you have questions or concerns.

May God grant us patience, wisdom, safety, and health.


The Rev. Dr. Nina Ranadive Pooley

Josie Ellis & John Garinther

Revised February 5, 2024