I'm New Here

Welcome to St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church! Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, and whatever your age, race, origin, sexual orientation or gender expression, marital, economic, or physical status, it’s likely that someone at St. Stephen’s is in that same place. We hope that you will allow us to accompany and support you as we walk together along the path.

Learn more about St. Stephen’s via the Frequently Asked Questions below, or in the Who We Are section.

We want to help you find a home at St. Stephen’s….

Frequently Asked Questions

This depends largely on which of our two weekend services you attend. While the services are different in length, size, and tenor, each offers:

  • A welcoming spirit
  • Holy Communion or Eucharist (to which everyone is invited)
  • A devotion to Episcopal liturgy – biblical readings, a sermon, time for prayer, etc.

Dress at all services ranges from formal to informal, but trends toward the casual.

Sundays, 10:00 am: The 10:00 am service is an uplifting mix of the formal and informal. Our renowned organist and parish choir provide musical accompaniment for the entire service. This service usually lasts about an hour.

Saturdays, 5:00 pm (2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month): This is the smaller and more intimate of our weekend services. It includes the standard elements of Episcopal liturgy but no formal music. The service is often complete by 5:45 pm.

The first thing to know is that everyone is invited to participate in the Eucharist: visitors, guests, kids – everyone. We believe that the altar is God’s Table, not St. Stephen’s, and that God is calling everyone to Communion.

The mechanics are simple…

The bread – When you come forward hold your hands out together, palm up. The clergy person will place a wafer in your hands, and say, “The body of Christ.” Your response: “Amen.” (Please let the clergy know if you’d prefer a gluten free wafer.)

The wine – is offered by chalice bearers on either side of the aisle in front of the altar area. Those sitting on the right should choose the right side chalice, those sitting on the left, choose the left side chalice. The chalice bearer will offer the wine, saying, “The Blood of Christ.” Your response: “Amen.” You may receive the wine by taking a small sip from the chalice, or by dipping your wafer in the wine, taking care not to touch the wine with your fingers. You may also choose to hear the words and respond without choosing to partake of the wine.

Children are welcome to partake in Communion; feel free to assist them as necessary.

No! We will not ask you to stand up before, during, or after the service. We will not ask you to identify yourself in any way if you don’t want to. Should you visit, you will be our guest, and we want you to feel comfortable.

If you have questions or want to meet any of the staff, we’ll be happy to help. But if you want to sit in the back row and check things out for a while, that’s OK too.

You can expect an invitation to our coffee/social hour after the 10:00 am service, but if you want to take a rain check, that’s OK too.

Poke around this Web site to get a better sense of who we are as a community of faith. Let us know what else we can share with you about St. Stephen’s to encourage you to visit us some weekend.

Email us, call us at 448-8276, or stop by at 67 East Street.

We’re looking forward to your visit!

Directions and Parking Suggestions

Some Parking Options

  • Around Park Square: In front of the former Berkshire Athenaeum and Patrick’s Pub (south), Old Town Hall (west), and Otto’s (east). There are several spaces here, but they fill up fast. Payment is required on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • On-street parking: around the block on Allen Street, Federal Street, and Wendell Ave extension. A few spots are also available on Fenn Street. All but Allen Street require payment on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Allen Street spaces, though free,  do have a 90-minute limit on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • The large parking lot across from Pittsfield Commons: Drivers can enter from First Street, Fenn Street, or Pearl Street. Most spots have 90-minute limits, some 3 hours – no limits or payments on Saturdays/Sundays/Evenings.
  • City of Pittsfield’s interactive parking map: visit this resource for additional information.

View Our Welcome Video!