Through the ministries listed below, St. Stephen’s seeks “to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to liberate the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19).
In 1998, the Episcopal Church designated St. Stephen’s a Jubilee Center in recognition of the parish’s outreach to the local community’s poor and oppressed.
St. Stephen’s Table
On Thursday and Friday evenings, more than 150 nutritious meals are served each week to members of the larger community. The meals are prepared and served by volunteers from the church and the wider community.
To volunteer, contact the Parish Office. To make an online donation to support this ministry, click here and select “St. Stephen’s Table” from the options.
Laundry Love
St. Stephen’s supports a local offering of Laundry Love – an outreach program that enables community members to do laundry for free at North Street Coin-Op Laundromat (320 North Street in Pittsfield).

To make an online donation to support this ministry, click here and select “Laundry Love” from the options.
Habitat for Humanity
St. Stephen’s is a Covenant Church with Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity. As such we have pledged to support the mission of Habitat to provide affordable housing for people of limited means, with prayer, financial support, and volunteers for local projects. Habitat is regularly included in requests for prayer. Work parties from the church help with labor and/or lunch at local work sites 2 or 3 Saturdays per year.
Berkshire Interfaith Organizing
Berkshire Interfaith Organizing (BIO) is an interfaith group of clergy, their congregations, and their regional affiliates who, together, grounded in faith seek to make justice real in our community. St. Stephen’s is an active founding member of the group.
Community Groups
The church facilities are made available to several non-profit groups without charge except for a requested donation toward expenses for utilities. Several 12-Step groups meet regularly at the church most evenings and at noon times.
Other groups that have used St. Stephen’s facilities include Downtown Pittsfield, Inc., Berkshire Grown, the Pittsfield Area Council of Congregations, and the Pittsfield Repair Cafe.
Non-Profit Support
St. Stephen’s is delighted to house the offices of the Berkshire Immigrant Center and the Berkshire office of Jewish Family Service of Western MA in our Parish House.